Monday, June 18, 2007

Hey girls! Welcome to the Nauvoo Nine website. I just put a random picture up here, but this is kind of the idea. You post a pic, write a little diddy and you can do it whenever and however often you want! We want lots and lots of pictures and posts. Even if you don't have any new pics but you just want to write something have at it! Write your heart away. This can be our gossip channel.

While I'm at it I'll up-date you guys on the my little family. Josh just had nationals on the 8th of this month at Sacramento State. He didn't do as well as he wanted because he was sick with bronchitis, but he still took 8th. We are working with our agent right now and have almost officially decided to sign with Nike. Therefore, that means that we will be moving in about a week and a half to Portland, Oregon. Josh will start training with Nike for the Olympic trials marathon in New York. I'm going to get a job at Nike too...however, I have no idea what it will be...definitely not running! I can't even keep up with Josh on my bike. We are terribly excited to move into a new place and for Josh to start running professionally. My family lives about 5 hours away from Portland, so I am thrilled to be that "close" to them. - That's about all of our exciting news for now. I will let you know when we officially sign with Nike or Adidas or whoever and with all other things that life brings!!! I can't wait to hear from you girls about your lives and your babies and whatever else you want to say. I love you all and hope this will be a great way for us to stay in touch.

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